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Openfabric AI native token

In this section, we explore the multifaceted utility of Openfabric AI's native currency, $OFN, delving into its core functions within the network. Topics covered include the $OFN token itself, its integration with smart contracts, and the underlying tokenomics that govern its use. Understanding these aspects is vital for anyone interacting with the Openfabric AI ecosystem, as they define how $OFN facilitates transactions, governs behavior, and drives innovation on the platform.

Topics covered:

Utility tokenThe $OFN token is the native digital currency of the Openfabric AI network, serving as a vital component in promoting responsible network behavior and facilitating various functionalities.
TokenomicsIn the Openfabric AI network, tokenomics defines the creation, distribution, and utilization of the $OFN token, forming the economic backbone of the platform.
Smart contractIn the Openfabric AI network, the OpenfabricToken.sol smart contract, an BEP20 standard contract, is utilized for token generation.


The $OFN token is more than just a digital currency within the Openfabric network. It serves as a foundational element that empowers users to partake in consensus, fosters positive network behavior, and facilitates seamless interactions with diverse AI-Apps. Beyond being a mere utility token, its dual role in governance underscores its pivotal position within the ecosystem. This makes the $OFN token indispensable in Openfabric AI's pioneering methodology of merging AI with blockchain. It's employed in various capacities, be it for transaction fees, staking, or as a medium of exchange, enriching the Openfabric AI experience and offering versatility to all users. Thus, for anyone, whether a crypto or blockchain aficionado or someone passionate about AI frontier, $OFN is a token that demands attention.


The information contained in our whitepaper, presentation website, and documentation is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice or an inducement to purchase our utility token, $OFN. $OFN is intended solely for use within the Openfabric AI network, and we make no representations or warranties regarding its value, security, or suitability for other purposes. We strongly encourage you to conduct due diligence and seek professional advice before making investment decisions. By accessing our whitepaper, presentation website, or documentation, you agree to release and hold us and our affiliates harmless from any liability for using the information contained therein.

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