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Generate project boilerplate

The gen command is designed to facilitate the generation of project assets for Openfabric's AI applications, tailored to the selected templates: python, docker, solidity, mnemonic. This command simplifies the development process by automatically configuring and scaffolding project structure and files according to the specified technology stack.


Usage: ofc gen [-hV] [COMMAND]
Generate external assets.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
python Generate Python assets.

Generate python project structure

Usage: ofc gen python project [-hV] [-a=<author>] [-d=<description>]
[-o=<output>] [-s=<sdk>] [-v=<version>] <name>
Generate Python project assets.
<name> project name
-a, --author=<author> author name; e.g. Author<[email protected]>
-d, --desc=<description> project short description
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-o, --out=<output> output path
-s, --sdk=<sdk> Python SDK version to use
-v, --ver=<version> project version
-V, --version Print version information and exit.

To create a blank new project we can use the following command:

$ ofc gen python project -a=Andrei -d="face_app" -s=0.1.6 -v=1.1 face-recognition-ai -o=./face-recognition

The previous command will output the following structure of files:

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