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X. Template layer

The template layer implements a mechanism allowing grouping of concept properties into subsets. The template represents an aggregation structure pointing to the referred concept and the selected properties. Through the use of the templates, for various use-case specific scenarios, an organization can focus only on certain relevant subsets. This mechanism allows reducing the data size and processing time.

"$type": "template",
"$version": "1.1",
"$schema": "A01564DBBCB04816A9BFE5FB50723EFD3BBE119E",
"$id": "DA4B9237BACCCDF19C0760CAB7AEC4A8359010B0",
"$author": "Andrei",
"$description": "Provide contextual fragmentation of the base schema",
"subsets": [
"name": "Default user profile",
"properties": [
"name": "Web user profile",
"properties": [

It contains the concept’s header, which is used for identification purposes, and a collection of subsets. A template is a component that represents a restricted set of concept properties (collection of property names), and a name identifies each template. A concept can have multiple templates.

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