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Start everything

On this page, we start the Docker configuration for the Airnode environment, found in the downloaded archive from configuring indexer.


To set up and run the Indexer, follow these steps using the terminal:

Navigate to the directory containing the archive that you've previously downloaded.

  • Unzip the archive to extract its contents, which include the necessary files and configurations for the Airnode Docker container.
  • Locate the script within the unzipped folder. This script serves as the primary entry point for initializing and running the Airnode Docker container.
  • Execute the script by running the following command in the terminal:
$ ./
  • Start the docker configuration by selecting Start services (option 1).

This will launch the Airnode Docker container and set up the required environment, enabling seamless integration and operation of the Airnode within your project.

Airnode - Docker structure

Fig. 18 - Airnode CLI actions

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